International Program
B.Eng. Software Engineering
What is Software Engineering?

Software engineering (SE) is an engineering discipline concerning all aspects of software production, including software analysis, design, development, testing, and deployment. SE requires profound abstract and logical thinking and the application of mathematics, logic, and computer science in order to produce efficient and reliable software with the available resources.

Why Choose the International Program B.Eng. Software Engineering Course at KMITL?

The program aims at training the students to become skilled software engineers capable of working confidently in the international software industry. The program also provides solid computer science foundations so that the students can pursue graduate study in other computing-related fields. The program offers 3 specializations: Enterprise SE, Internet of Things, and Intelligent Systems, and collaborates with the University of Glasgow (UK) to offer a double-degree study option.

The KMITL-Glasgow Double-Degree Program in Software Engineering is a collaboration between KMITL and the University of Glasgow, UK. The program enables qualified students who have completed Year 2 in the SE program at the International College to enter Years 3 and 4 of the Software Engineering program at the University of Glasgow’s School of Computing Science. At Glasgow, the student will have an opportunity to study with world-renowned academics, as well as working on team projects with multi-national talents. This is an excellent opportunity for the students who wish to gain studying and living experience in the UK.

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